Acne /Post acne pigmentation and scars

Categories Dermatology

Acne aka pimples as it is commonly known is a chronic inflammatory disease of the pilosebaceous units. It is believed to be the most common disease of the skin. The condition usually starts in adolescence, peaks at the ages of 14 to 19 years, and frequently resolves by mid-twenties. Acne vulgaris develops earlier in females than in males, which may reflect the earlier onset of puberty in females. The most severe forms of acne vulgaris occur more frequently in males, but the disease tends to be more persistent in females.

Why should we treat acne if it resolves itself? Because active acne is much easier to treat than the pigmentation or scar it causes. So, the earlier the treatment, the better.

But that doesn’t mean pigmentation and scarring are not treatable. Of course, they are treatable with dermatosurgical procedures and medicines.